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I love Jesus, tea, cats, Summer, books, music, playing the piano,

and spending time with my family and friends! 

I am a nursing student at Spring Arbor University. 

I want to become a medical-focused missionary. 


That basically sums up my life biography in a nutshell...


But, since I'm supposed to try to be interesting,

I will go into a little more detail...(read at your own risk!)

Why nursing school?

I have wanted to be in the medical field since I was a very young girl. My mom had a few of my siblings with home births and a wonderful midwife. I remember seeing her walk in the front door in the middle of the night when my third brother was born, she had a big black bag in her hand and I still remember how impeccably beautiful she looked (even at 3am!). 

I knew that I wanted to be just like her even before I knew how babies were made! 


I was homeschooled until I was sixteen years old. Then, I attended the Jackson Area Career Center for two years where I took the Health Technician I & II Course, earning many medical certifications and experiences that prepared me for my future career. I got my Certified Nursing Assistant's (CNA) license, my phlebotomy, and first aid certification while I was there. 


As the years went by, I continually felt God calling me to pursue medical missions.

After a lot of prayer and research, I decided that nursing school, focusing on labor and delivery, was the best option for me, (thus, explaining my current enrollment at SAU! See the picture above with my 2020 nursing class).

I have a desire to eventually purse medical school to become an OB-GYN.

In order to achieve that goal, I have been taking medical school pre-requisite classes whenever they fit into my academic schedule.



What's Next?


I plan to graduate in spring of 2020, take a year off from school to work as an RN,

(breathe and sleep a little),

and study for the MCAT.

After taking the MCAT, I will apply to medical schools and then the rest is up to God!

Of course, this whole little plan of mine is also up to Him, so it is subject to change! 

Many of you reading this, most likely know most of this information already.

I'm nineteen years old. I'm the oldest of six kids. 


Let me tell you about the girl that I dreamed about once…


A girl I want to be like when I grow up…


She was one of a kind, an artistic eccentric soul. Inspired by the fear of being average.

She was very different, yet distinctly beautiful.

The kind of beauty not everyone could recognize,

the kind many did not get the pleasure of knowing. 

She was strong, very particular and a little crazy. 

She was complex, layers of emotion that normal souls couldn’t handle,

"high maintenance" you could say.

She was filled with passion, talent and endless abilities.

She was made of all complicated things, and few ever truly understood her,

but when they did, she loved them fiercely for it.

She had a simplicity in the way she laughed

and those who heard it had their hearts warmed.

She fell to fast, crashed to hard, and cared to much.

There was a fire in her that could not be quenched.

When she loved, she loved immeasurably.

She was affected by the smallest things, a people pleaser, a lover of simple things

(and also very expensive!)

She was someone who desired quiet solitude over than a social gathering.

She hated small talk, and loved connecting with people’s souls

instead of shallow mindless conversation.

She did not compete for attention.

She eventually realized that she should not chase people,

that she needed to be an example, work hard, be herself.

She learned that the people who belonged in her life would fight to stay...and others would need extra love! 

She realized that she needed to be content with not knowing,

and to be at peace with the notion that not everything needs an explanation or a reason.  

She had many chapters that she would prefer to keep unpublished.

She had to remind herself daily,

(and she would often forget),

that God would not give her more than she could handle.

She faced a big challenge, but that meant that she had an even bigger future awaiting.

She realized that she couldn't always make everyone happy and

that she had to be okay with that. 

She reached the point where she realized that not many things required her comment,

that was a mark of maturity.

She respected herself; because if she didn’t, then how were others?

She was a woman who held herself to a higher standard of grace and elegance,

with a little dash of spice.

She was a somebody who tried to make everyone feel like somebody.

She was someone who understood that the best things in life are pricelessly free...

and the second best are very expensive.

She lived to exceed expectations.

She lived to break barriers, to thrive beyond dreams, to love with no boundaries.

She lived to be


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