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Moses Moments

It is so easy to coat on the makeup, curl your hair, grab your cutest outfit, and pretend like life is perfect with your smiling mask hiding it all underneath. Yet, many times it isn't. Whether you're tired, stressed, overwhelmed, hurting, discouraged, there's never enough time to study enough, eat properly, spend time with the people you love, exercise, get enough sleep, etc... You can't do it all!!

So, resist the urge to fake it all the time, those people who accept you at your worst will understand if you're not always at your best. God created you for HIS glory, instilled a purpose within you and gave you the gifts and talents to complete it...never doubt that. This posting is just little reminder for myself because as I looked at this picture...

I saw so many flaws, features I despise about myself, an up close view of so many of my personal insecurities.

I had a little "Moses moment", thinking about everything that God has called me to do with my life, the woman He is trying to mold me into and I thought, "Lord, I can't !"

Then, He gently reminded me..."My child, you are looking at the outward appearance! I created you in MY image. Man looks on the outward appearance, yet God looks at the heart. I've got this!

Where is your faith?!"


It's nice to feel pretty, to dress up and try to look your best...yet, all of that is null and void if you have an ugly heart, a heart that is not willing to accept His calling. A doubting heart that does not believe that He holds the entire universe in His hands. Resist the urge to put a filter on the picture. Be you, let your heart shine through and show the world that you have something to smile about, even on the worst days.

He will give you the strength to accomplish His will,

just never forget to ask him for it.

"You do not have because you do not ask!"

At the end of the day, you always seem to find time for the things and people you care about most...

just make sure God is at the top of that list!

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