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$600 and a Kiss

What's the worst thing that someone has ever done to you?


What is the most hurtful thing that someone has ever said to you?


What is the hardest thing you have ever had to watch happen to someone you loved?


Have you forgiven that person?

Forgiveness is hard. It's not fun to talk about.

It's not easy to give.

When someone hurts you, it cuts deeper than just skin, it cuts straight to the heart, where emotional pain is felt differently and so much deeper than physical pain.


There was man who worked very closely with a group of men who traveled with a popular evangelist . He lived with this evangelist for about three years, eating daily meals with him, listening to every message he preached, no doubt traveling miles every day with him. This man was in charge of the evangelist's finances and carried the money for the group. Then the government started to have concerns with what the evangelist was teaching and they offered to pay this man $600 if he betrayed the evangelist and brought him into the authorities. The evangelist knew about the plan the entire time, yet never said a word and continued to treat his friend just like the rest of the people in the group, even up to the last hour that they were together. The group was enjoying a meal together and as the evangelist proceeded to pray for the meal he said, "One of you will betray me". The group looked around in shock, not having a hint or clue as to who it was among them. Then not long after as the betraying man led the authorities up to the evangelist, he kissed him on the cheek as the soldiers led the him away.

This betraying friend was Judas.

The evangelist was Jesus.

It is amazing to me how Judas could do that Jesus! He was a part of core group of disciples that lived with Jesus, walked the same roads, ate from the same could they not all believe that Jesus was the Son of God?! How could they not all love Him and want to serve Him with everything they had?! Can you imagine living with Jesus and simply doing everything involved with daily life together and then betraying him so easily?

Yet, Jesus had forgiven Judas before Judas had even committed the deed. Wow! Such a deep ocean of love and compassion. It is beyond my finite pea-brain of understanding.

Yet some of us are still bitter and revengeful years after a fight happened or a hurtful situation occurred...and for what?

In comparison to what Jesus endured, I am sure that none of us have had someone attempt to have us arrested for doing NOTHING...and eventually succeed in our crucifixion.

I will not elaborate on all of the awful things that Jesus endured, but I will emphasize his complete pure innocence. He had done nothing to deserve the pain, torture and agony that He endured for us.

I think it's hardest to forgive when you do not feel like you deserved whatever negative thing was said or done to you. I stand guilty of refusing to forgive over the smallest things. I am sure that you are too!

I, personally have not figured out the secret of forgiveness...

Yet my mind cannot keep out the image of Jesus in the Upper Room before Judas had finished his betrayal...John 12:12 says, "When He had finished washing their feet..."

Please note He finished washing their feet...he left no one out. Why is that important?

Because he washed the feet of Judas.

The feet of his betrayer. The one who chose to have his final encounter with Jesus end with a backstabbing kiss.

You will never have to forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you. God will never call you to do what he hasn't already done. Easier said than done, I know...

Yet, I believe that one of the secrets to forgiveness is forcing yourself to love the other person in spite of what they have done to you. "Washing their feet" so to speak...

There is no love without forgiveness,

and there is no forgiveness without love.

Who's feet do you need to wash today?

This past year I've struggled a lot with forgiveness...and with the NEW YEAR, I am resolving to try harder at forgiving others.

Will you join me?

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